Still fancy joining us for the WOLF RUN? We are looking to take an A&J Fitness team to the Wolf run on Sunday April 12th 2015.
We have now booked places on to the event for April 12th 2015! If yo wish to still join us then you can sign up and join our team! The event will cost you £59.
For the Wolf Run we have decided that we will be raising money for the Lily Mae Foundation. The foundation supports parents and families after stillbirth or Neonatal Death and also change public perception of stillbirth and Neonatal death. Go on their website and have a look at what a great job these guys are doing
If you fancy donating to us guys our JustGiving page is
If your interested then get in touch and confirm a space with A&J Fitness.
For more information on the run you can visit
#whywait #trainnow #wolfrun #fitness #fun #challenges